I’m Waiting…!?

“Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts.” – Elisabeth Elliot

One of the funniest movies I ever watched during my college years was the 1987 hit, “The Princess Bride”, a fairy-tale with a modern buffoonish twist.

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Forgotten Why I’m Here

“I’m pretty sure, roughly 1/3 of my life has been spent standing in the middle of the room wondering what I came in here for.” – Author Unknown

Whoever wrote that must have been peaking into the window of my life.  How is it possible from the time I decide to leave one room and enter another that my brain has decided to go on an extended holiday?  And my house isn’t even that big?!

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A Lonely Road

“It would be just another illusion to believe that reaching out to God will free us from pain and suffering. Often, indeed, it will take us where we rather would not go. But we know that without going there we will not find our life.”                   — Henri Nouwen

I have always been an adventurer at heart. As a child, I always imagined traveling to far off places; exotic places; places filled with the bizarre and wondrous, enough to fascinate and tantalize the imaginations of my youthful exuberance.

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