Sin City

I can honestly say that I’ve lived most of my life without having given Las Vegas much thought at all, nor have I ever had any desire to visit.  I could think of 1000 different vacation destinations for my family and me to explore and the bright lights of Las Vegas, Nevada wouldn’t even make the top ten.

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Forgotten Why I’m Here

“I’m pretty sure, roughly 1/3 of my life has been spent standing in the middle of the room wondering what I came in here for.” – Author Unknown

Whoever wrote that must have been peaking into the window of my life.  How is it possible from the time I decide to leave one room and enter another that my brain has decided to go on an extended holiday?  And my house isn’t even that big?!

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Location, Location, Location!

“What can I do?  How can I live? To show my world the treasure of Jesus?  What will it take?  What could I give? So that they can know the treasure he is?  If I can sing, let my songs be full of his glory.  If I can speak, Let my words be full of his grace.  If I should live or die, let me be found pursuing this prize:  The One who alone satisfies.  The treasure of Jesus.” – Steven Curtis Chapman

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A Place of Quiet Repose

“I have 10,000 engagements of state today, but I would prefer to spend the day out here…studying dandelions and marveling at…spider’s webs…Do you have any idea how inconvenient that is?  How idiotic will it sound?  I have a political career glittering in front of me, and in my heart, I want spider’s webs.” – William Wilberforce in the Movie “— Amazing Grace, the Movie, 2006

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The Irrepressible Sea

“Why do we love the sea?  It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.” – Robert Henri

Having never, in the providence of God, been fortunate to live by the ocean, you may find it curious that I love the sea. My greatest wish as a child I can remember was to build a boat of my own and sail into the unknown.  To do as John Denver sang so ably in Calypso, “to sail on a dream on a crystal-clear ocean; to ride on the crest of a wild raging storm.”

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